30 Weight Loss Tips From Women Who Have Lost 100 Pounds

20. Move even on rest days. “I work out six days a week and take an active rest day once a week where I hike or take a yoga class.”

21. Take responsibility for unhealthy habits. “It’s still hard for me to admit that I was a binge eater. At least once a week, I would stop at a bagel place on my way to school and order a bagel with cream cheese, and a Taylor ham, egg, and cheese sandwich on a hard roll, and a sausage, egg, and cheese on another bagel — I’d even buy three drinks so the staff would think I was picking up breakfast for three people. Then eat all three sandwiches in my car. I called it an addiction, but that was just an excuse.”
22. Don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat poorly. “When I began my journey, I decided that I didn’t want to “ease” into a healthy life. I immediately cut out all the unhealthy foods I was eating so I wouldn’t use my fitness program as a license to continue to eat poorly under the guise of “Well, I’m working out, so it’s OK.”

23. Keep it simple. “I take a minimalist approach to nutrition: My diet consists of lean protein (chicken breast, egg whites, ground turkey), complex carbs (quinoa, sweet potatoes, oatmeal), healthy fats (coconut oil, almonds, avocados), and leafy green veggies. I eat as clean as I can — locally grown vegetables, organic when possible, and minimally processed everything.”

24. At the grocery store, shop the perimeter. “Everything I need is in the produce section, at the meat counter, or in the dairy section. I avoid the center aisles of the grocery store unless looking for specific pantry items like quinoa or oatmeal.”

25. Prepare food in advance. “I eat five small meals a day, but only prepare them twice a week in big batches so that everything is made and ready to go when I get hungry.”

26. Schedule a weekly cheat meal. “I allow myself one cheat meal a week right after my hardest workout and use it as a way to indulge in foods I crave mindfully while still staying on track.”

27. Drink all the water. “I carry a gallon of water with me all day long until it’s finished. Dragging it around campus looks ridiculous, but I don’t care.”

28. Put on music when you don’t feel like going to the gym. “Being physically active has nothing to do with going to the gym, but moving your body and burning calories is what matters. When I don’t want to go, I just turn on my music and either dance or hula hoop with my niece.”
29. Treats don’t belong in your house. “I don’t keep juice, chips, or cookies in my house because they’re treats: I don’t eat them every day. Time to time, I do indulge, but only in small portions.”

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