What you didn’t know about the Old 1960s Weight Watchers Plan

The original Weight Watchers Program was based on a diet developed by the New York City Department of Health’s Bureau of Nutrition that Nidetch followed after registering with on of its obesity clinics. When friends wanted the details of how she had lost weight, she began to meet with them at her house, where she shared what she knew and they talked over their common problems related to overeating.
When the little group got too big to meet at her house, she rented a basement, and then a large meeting hall in 1963, and the rest, as they say, is history
Weight Watchers Cookbook 1967

The Underlying Concepts of the Old 1960s Weight Watchers Plan

1. Overeating is a habit. And like any habit, it can be conquered, if you have the will and drive to get started.
2. Proceed with your weight loss one meal at a time, one day at a time, one week at a time. Taking one step at a time, strengthening yourself slowly, you can not fail.
3. Learn to delay gratification. The next time you begin to bite into a candy bar, order a fattening dessert from a restaurant menu, walk into the bakery for a Danish pastry, stop and ask yourself: “Would I rather have this or a slim young figure?”
4. No crash dieting. Because you must learn new habits of eating, it is useless for you to go on a “crash” or “fad” diet or to take diet pills or appetite depressants of any kind. “Why learn to use a crutch when you can learn how to walk properly?”
5. Control your environment. Don’t surround yourself with temptation by buying cookies and candies. Even a four-year-old can understand, if told, that mommy needs help because she wants to become his “beautiful mommy.”
6. Learn to laugh. We are constantly playing games with ourselves and in serious denial about why we are heavy and/or not losing weight. The book is peppered with illustrations depicting some of the favorite rationalizations heard through the years, which are timeless.
7. No alcohol. No skipping meals. No counting calories.
8. No excuses. You can stick to the program and successfully lose weight no matter what your home, social, business, or school life may be.
9. Stick to the plan and the plan will work.
10. Maintenance is important. Once you lose the weight, follow the maintenance plan so you learn to keep the weight off.
11. To be successful on the program, will require your desperation, your sincerity and your cooperation and your patience!!

Weight Watchers 1960s Program Menus

Rule and Menus of the Old 1960s Weight Watchers Plan

1. Eat only the foods listed in your menu plan, in the quantities specified and at the meals specified. Weigh your portions until you can judge them accurately.
2. Eggs. Limit them to 4-7 per week. They may be taken only at breakfast or lunch; not at dinner.
3. Cheese. Only hard cheese or pot, cottage or farmer cheese is allowed and only at breakfast or lunch.
4. Fish. You must eat a minimum of 5 group A fish meals each week for lunches or dinners.
Group A fish:
abalone, bass, bluefish, bonito, butterfish, carp (fresh), calms, crab, croaker, cod, finnan haddie, flounder, fluke, haddock, hake, halibut, lobster, mullet, mussels, oysters, pike, porgy, salmon (canned), scallops, shad roe, shrimp, sole, sturgeon (fresh), swordfish, trout (brook), trout (lake), tuna fish (fresh or canned), weakfish, whiting
5. Meat and poultry. Provided you use the specified number of fish meals, some of your lunches and dinners may be selected from Group A meats and poultry or Group B fish. Select a maximum of 5 weekly meat meals (luncheons or dinners only from Group A and a maximum of 3 weekly meat meals (luncheons or dinners) Group B.
Group A meat and poultry:
white meat of chicken (skin removed), white meat of turkey (skin removed), pheasant, organ meats (liver, lungs, brains, kidneys, heart, sweetbreads)
Group B meat and poultry:
beef, frankfurters, lamb, dark meat of turkey
Group B fish: 
mackerel, pompano, salmon (fresh), shad, white fish
6. Limited vegetables. Must eat one a day, at dinner only, 1 portion only. Vary your selection from day to day. One serving is 4 ounces, or 1/2 cup or 1 medium sized.
Limited vegetables:
artichokes, bamboo shoots, beets, brussels sprouts, carrots, eggplant, green beans, okra, onions, parsnips, peas, pumpkin, scallions, squash (yellow), tomato, tomato juice, turnips
7. Unlimited vegetables may be taken at any time. These include most of your non-starchy vegetables.
Unlimited vegetables:
asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, endive, escarole, bell pepper, kohlrabi, lettuce, mung bean sprouts, mushrooms, mustard greens, parsley, pickles, pimentos, radishes, rhubarb, sauerkraut, spinach, squash (green), string beans (french style), watercress
8. Condiments and seasonings such as bouillon, herbs, and spices, salt, pepper, and paprika, vinegar and wine vinegar, tea, coffee, horseradish, soy sauce, lemons, limes, etc, are unlimited.
9. Fruit. Three to five servings a day, depending on age and gender. One daily fruit must be either orange or grapefruit.
Permitted fruits:
1 apple
1/2 cantaloupe
1/2 grapefruit
2″ wedge of honeydew
1 orange
1/4 medium-sized pineapple
1 cup of strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries or blueberries
1 peach or nectarine
2 apricots
1 plum
Forbidden fruits:
Dried Fruits
10. Milk. Powdered skim milk, buttermilk, or evaporated skim milk must be included in your daily program, according to the amount specified for your age/gender.
11. Bread. Eat enriched or whole grain packaged bread according to the amount allowed for your age/gender. No rolls, bagels, biscuits, muffins, crackers, cereals or special breads.

Weight Watchers 1960s program cookbook cartoon
12. Do not eat or drink the following except for legal recipes given in this book:
  • alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, whiskey
  • avocado
  • bacon or back fat
  • bagels
  • biscuits
  • cake
  • candy
  • cereals
  • coconut
  • cookies
  • crackers
  • cream cheese
  • doughnuts
  • fried foods
  • gefilte fish
  • gravy
  • honey
  • ice cream
  • ices
  • jam
  • jello
  • jelly
  • ketchup
  • mayonnaise
  • muffins
  • nuts
  • oil
  • olives
  • pancakes
  • peanut butter
  • pies
  • popcorn
  • potato chips
  • pretzels
  • puddings
  • rolls
  • salad dressings (except for those given in this book)
  • smoked meat or fish
  • soda, ginger ale, cola drinks
  • sugar and syrups
  • waffles
  • yogurt

Old Weight Watchers Menu Plan for Women (Circa 1960s)

Breakfast: 1 egg or 1 ounce hard cheese or 2 ounces fish or 1/4 cup cottage or pot cheese; 1 slice enriched bread
Lunch: 4 ounces fish (canned or fresh) or lean meat or poultry or 2/3 cup (6 ounces) cottage cheese or pot cheese or 4 ounces farmer cheese or 2 ounces hard cheese or 2 eggs; All the unlimited vegetables you want; 1 slice enriched bread
Dinner: 6 ounces cooked lean meat or fish or poultry; 1 portion limited vegetables; All of the unlimited vegetables you want
Must Be Taken At Some Time During the Day: A total of 3 fruits (one of them orange or grapefruit); 2 cups skim milk or buttermilk or 1 cup skimmed evaporated milk
May Be Taken At Any Time of the Day: Any unlimited foods, beverages, etc.
Weight Watchers Cottage Cheese Danish

1960s Weight Watchers Plan Menu Suggestions

Sample Breakfasts:
1) Half Cantaloupe, Eggs, Sunny-Side Up on Toast
2) Pineapple Quarter, Two Ounces Tuna Fish on Toast
3) Cottage Cheese (2 ounces), Fresh Grapefruit Sections, Lettuce Bed, Toast
4) Fresh Fruit Cup (1/2 cup), Scrambled Egg WW, Toast
5) Broiled Half Grapefruit, Salmon (2 ounces), Toast
6) Fresh Juice of One Orange, Melted Cheese (1 ounce) on Toast
7) Half Grapefruit, WW French Toast
Sample Lunches:
1) Bean-Sprout Soup, Shrimp (4 ounces), Toast
2) Tuna Fish, Mixed Lettuce w/ Radishes, Celery and String Beans, WW Dressing, Toast
3) Tomato Juice, Broiled Salmon (4 ounces), WW Cucumber Sauce, Lettuce, Toast
4) Fresh Fruit Salad, Cottage Cheese (3 ounces), Toast
5) Broiled Hamburger, One Slice Toast, Relish
6) Melted Open Cheese Sandwich on 1 Slice Toast, Fruit
7) Two Eggs on Toast, Fruit
Sample Dinners:
1) WW Swordfish Diablo, Chinese Vegetables, Mushrooms, WW Lemon Gelatin
2) Tomato Bouillon, WW Butterfly Shrimp Scampi, Larde Tossed Salad, Eggplant
3) Curried Cream of Kale Soup, Broiled Trout, Carrots, Broiled Mushrooms, Stewed Fruit (1/2 cup)
4) WW Braised Beef Roll-Ups, Cucumber Salad, WW Basil Salad Dressing, WW Strawberry Ice
5) WW Beef Ragout, Mushrooms as desired, Ginger Melon Mold
6) WW Frankfurter Casserole Creole, Cole Slaw
7) Escarole Soup, Chicken Cacciatora, Herbed Zucchini, Maple Bavarian Cream
Weight Watchers 1960s program cartoon fridge

Helpful Hints While Dieting

Many of these concepts have definitely stood the test of time:
1. Do Not Count Calories. 200 calories of cake is never a substitute for a 200-calorie lunch. You can’t bargain with the diet.
2. Weight Your Food Carefully. You’ll be amazed at how much more will be on your plate when you weigh food rather than guess at it’s weight.
3. Carry Your “Before” Picture and a mental image of your ideal figure with you at all times.
4. Weigh Yourself Once A Week Only. Weight can fluctuate daily for various reasons. It is the weekly average weight loss that is important. Be sure to weigh yourself at the same time each week, on the same scale, under the same conditions.
5. Take Advantage of the “Free” Foods allowed in this diet. Never allow yourself to be hungry.
6. Be Aware That You Are Learning New Eating Habits even away from home. It is possible to follow this diet plan in any restaurant anywhere in the world, if you really want to.
7. Do Not Allow sympathetic thin friends or envious fat ones to give you “permission to deviate from your diet plan.”
8. Follow The Diet Honestly. The key to successful weight loss and its maintenance is learning discipline and control.
9. Think Before You Eat. When tempted to gobble, just stop and count to ten and look at your “before” picture, remember your reasons for wanting to reduce.
10. Be Patient!
Do you have any favorite memories and or recipes from the old Weight Watchers program to share?  Did you have success with the old 1960s Weight Watchers program? I’d love to hear from you!

Source: http://simple-nourished-living.com

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