Kim Success Story

My Name is Kim Davis
I am 40yrs old
What made me decide to change. I did it for myself, I wanted to be healthy and I also did it for my 3 sons, I wanted to be around for them. At my highest weight I weighed 300 pounds. I went from a size 26 (U.S) to a size 4 or 6 (U.S), depending on how they are made. A couple of the biggest questions I always get asked is if I’ve had surgery, if I used fad diets or used diet pills. I did it the old fashion way of watching what I ate (watching the fat content, sugar content and carbs, very seldom do I eat red meat), exercising, determination, dedication and a lot of will power. I’m at the gym 3-5 days a week.

My biggest challenges has always been gatherings with family and friends. I don’t push my healthy choices on anyone and I don’t expect them to change their meal plans for what I would or wouldn’t eat. I went through an extremely personal challenging time 6yrs ago this May and for almost 3yrs I didn’t workout nor did I really watch what I ate. I can say though with what I had lost I didn’t gain back, I finally got back on track and continued with my progress after the 3yrs of doing nothing, then I lost 50 more pounds and have been maintaining my weight at 145 pounds for the last 18 months.

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