Simple Steps To Doing Weight Watchers For Free

One of the most popular diet plans around is Weight Watchers. This program has been around for many years and has become one of the standard methods of losing weight in a healthy manner. 

Unfortunately many of us can’t afford to pay the monthly fees for the online program or local meetings. Here are Simple Steps To Doing Weight Watchers For Free that will help you jump start your journey to health in a way that will save your budget as well as see the numbers on the scale drop.

The secret behind the Weight Watchers program is truly the fact that you are not deprived foods you love but are held accountable for the quantity you eat. Between the simple to figure point system that allows some flexibility while keeping you in a healthy range of food and the weekly meetings with other individuals going through the same things your rate of success increases drastically. Doing this program from home can be done in a few simple steps.



  Thankfully this information is easy to determine thanks to a few people out there who have created accurate calculators online to figure this information for you. There are two versions of Weight Watchers Points systems.  There is the old system and the new Points Plus system.  While both work great, for the sake of clarity the information below is for the Points Plus system which doesn’t calculate all fruits/vegetables into your points allowances each day.

◦   All dieters receive 49 Bonus Points to be used over the course of the week.  I recommend using these throughout the week rather than in one giant meal.  Spreading them out helps you learn control and balance.  The minimum number of points a person would consume is 26 and the maximum is 71 per day.

◦   To determine your number of points daily input appropriate information in the forms at this link  This has been checked against the Weight Watchers program calculator and is exactly the same.


This information can be determined by using a Weight Watchers Points Plus Calculator or this handy online tool  Most foods both processed or homemade are easy to determine if you are taking accurate measurements prior to eating.  I recommend grabbing a simple kitchen scale to weigh your food at least until you are more familiar with what portion sizes, ounces and servings look like.  This helps you be completely accurate with your points calculations each day. Weighmax Electronic Kitchen Scale – Weighmax 2810-2KG black

USE WEIGHT WATCHERS FRIENDLY RECIPES.  No matter what you are craving there are always Weight Watchers recipes easy to find on Pinterest, Blogs and Magazines to give you a points calculated substitute that is both Weight Watchers friendly as well as tasty.  You do NOT have to purchase special meals or even special ingredients to abide by the Points program and have success.

PLUG IN TO AN ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP.  Check with your friends to see if any of them are interested in joining you on this journey and meet at each others homes once a week, or simple connect online through Facebook Groups, Emails or online Forums with friends or strangers that are going through the same program.  Another site we love for connecting with others losing weight and getting healthy is

START MOVING.  Nothing boosts your metabolism and encourages ultimate weight loss and health like exercise.  No matter what your current status of health you can always do a few extra movements a day to help increase your strength and endurance.  Simple things like walking around your block, doing squats and lunges in your living room or using a Free Trial to a site like Daily Burn will give you a jump start toward success.  Start slow for 10 minutes at a time and build up your endurance as you lose and gain strength.

No matter what your budget is, you can easily follow these Simple Steps To Doing Weight Watchers For Free and find great success in your weight loss and overall health goals.  This easy program helps you to see serving sizes as they really are and not in the inflated manner we have become accustomed to.  Weight Watchers is a healthy plan to help you lose weight that promotes fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and all other food groups in moderation.

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