weight watchers best recipes | Butterfinger Pie Recipe


– 4 low fat graham cracker sheets
– 1 tub Fat Free Cool Whip, 8 oz
– 1 Butterfinger Candy Bar (2 oz), crushed
– 1/4 cup Hershey’s Light Chocolate Syrup
– 1/4 cup Smucker’s Sugar Free Caramel Topping


Very lightly spray an 8 x8” glass dish or pan with butter flavored non-fat cooking spray. Line the bottom with the graham cracker sheets into the bottom. Mix together the whipped topping with half of the crushed Butterfinger. Spread the cool whip mixture over the graham crackers. Drizzle both the chocolate syrup and caramel syrup on top of the whipped topping. Sprinkle the remaining half of the Butterfinger on top. Freeze for at least 4 hours. Cut into 8 equally sized pieces.

Entire recipe makes 8 servings
Serving size is 1 piece
Each serving = 3 Point Total

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